• NFT Collection on Solana

    Built with React, my first time working with Blockchain. Create your own NFTs on Solana and Metaplex. Connect with Phantom wallet.

  • Next.js using Twitch's API

    Site built with Next.js Still in progress. Using Twitch's API to add streamers to a dashboard. IDE is Replit as well.

  • DB3 Unlimited

    Site built with Gatsby. Client is a small business owner.

  • Boston Housing

    Built an optimal machine learning model to estimate the best selling price for a client's home in the Boston Metropolitan area.

  • Finding Donors

    Built a Supervised Learning model to predict the likelihood of a person donating to a charity.

  • Customer Segments

    Use Unsupervised Learning techniques to identify similarities between retail customers, and segment customers into distinct categories using various clustering techniques.